13 Years Ago, I left My Professional Sales Career To Become An Entrepreneur

A few weeks ago I was driving to pick up Oliver from pre-school and I saw that it was March 31. All of the sudden it hit me that on this date 13 years ago, I quit my pharmaceutical sales rep job to go all in on my new business as a makeup artist.

I could still remember how I felt that day: nervous to leave my micro-manager boss a voicemail that I was done and leaving the company. Scared of how I was going to make enough money to support myself. AND also excited for this new business I was starting, and a new identity I was creating for myself. 

At the time, I had no idea what I was doing. But I had a clear vision of where I wanted to go with my business, a strong belief in myself that I would figure it out and build the successful beauty business, and an idea of the first steps to take to get me started.

Back then, the belief came easier to me because the situation I was in at my toxic job was so bad, I knew that I couldn't stay where I was, finding another pharmaceutical sales or other type of job was not the answer, so starting my own business felt like the only acceptable option.

And even with this determination, I still struggled at times with my belief, my vision, and staying motivated in taking action towards what I wanted, which was a business that brought me fulfillment, freedom, money and fun!

I kept showing up for my business, getting out of my comfort zone by networking, taking on jobs deep down I was afraid I wasn't good enough for, and focusing on what I wanted and why I had to make it happen.

And I did it! I build a successful luxury beauty business where I was able to travel the world, help women look and feel amazing, and have the freedom and fulfillment I was longing for in a career. 

Every day I worked on my belief in myself, I took imperfect action, and I invested in mentors that could teach me how to be a better artist and build a more successful business.

It took longer than I would've liked, but the more I dived into personal development and healing, the quicker the time to success sped up.

Looking back at the past 13 years of entrepreneurship, I realize how much I've learned, and how I could get there faster if I knew then what I know now. 


The secret that I've learned to getting where you want faster is building a mindset of belief and possibility through working with your subconscious mind.

It's having the clear vision of what you want and how to step into the woman who has it. It's building strong belief and confidence in yourself through healing limiting beliefs & negative thoughts, and reprogramming in new beliefs and thoughts that support you manifesting what you want. And it's getting into imperfect but aligned action to get where you want to go.

This is the method that I use with my clients to help them create lives and businesses that are fulfilling, bring them pleasure and joy, and step into the woman they know they're meant to be.

If you're ready to launch your new business, find your first client for a few thousand dollars, have a 90 day plan that is so aligned so you know the 3 things to focus on each week to have even more clients rolling in, and embody the woman who says yes to her dreams, I can help you!

Book a free Clarity call with me below to see how 1:1 coaching with me can help you get where you want to be.

 xo, Melissa


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