You Know More Than You Give Yourself Credit For

The other day I was listening to the Cathy Heller Podcast, and she had Sophia Amoruso of Nasty Gal and Girl Boss fame. Sophia has been highly successful at business and has now created a new online business course.

Sophia was sharing about the course and some of the initial steps that she teaches to help the students in the course get clear on their business idea.

As I was listening to her speak, I realized that the steps she was talking about are literally part of my own process for helping my clients get clear on what they're meant to do and what it would look like to be doing this work they are dreaming of!

To be clear, I haven't learned this from her before or taken her course. I came up with the same process based on my own experience of leaving my corporate job to start a beauty business! 

Hearing this from Sophia gave me not only confirmation that I do know what I'm talking about, but also more confidence in me showing up as an expert in what I do.

Maybe I haven't built a $100 million company like she has. But I have walked myself through leaving a toxic corporate job when I had no examples of others doing this, figuring out what my dream business would be, and building a successful luxury beauty business. 

I've helped my own clients get clear on what they want to do, and feel more confident in themselves that they can achieve it.

I share this story with you because I know that you know more than you think you know or are giving yourself credit for! 

And you know enough to get started on what you dream of doing. 

You don't have to have a PhD in what you want to do, or have built a million dollar company in it. If you're drawn to do it, you probably have natural skills, knowledge, and experience in it! 

I started my makeup business with a passion for makeup and for making women feel amazing about themselves, and figured the rest out as I built my business. I didn't go to makeup school and I didn't have a business degree. I got started, trusted myself and the process and started putting myself out there. I knew enough to get started, and you do too. 

In fact, I'll be you know even more than I did when I first started my business!

Consider this your permission slip to go out there and start the business or tell people about the amazing work you want to do. 

xo, Melissa

p.s. If you want more support in getting clear on what you are meant to do, and build your confidence to go out there are do it, I'm opening up space for 4 new 1:1 coaching clients. You can book a free Clarity call below to chat more about working together.


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Full Moon In Virgo Affirmations