Are You Truly Open To Receive What You Are Dreaming Of?

Are you truly open to receive what you are dreaming of?

There have been many times in my life that I've really wanted something, and yet I wasn't truly open to receiving it. I had blocks in my subconscious that were preventing me from attracting it or keeping me stuck. I wasn't taking action because I unconsciously was afraid of what would happen if I did get it, or I didn't feel worthy of having it.

When I was early in my days as a makeup artist, I wanted to travel and get paid to do makeup. It was a huge dream of mine to go to places I had always wanted to see and work there as a makeup artist.

But even though I saw examples of other makeup artists who were traveling for their work, I still felt stuck around how to make it happen. I knew it was possible, but it felt like it was only possible for other people.

I had to uncover what was blocking me subconsciously from attracting opportunities to travel as a makeup artist.

What I discovered was I didn't feel worthy of someone paying for me to travel and do makeup for them in a beautiful place when they could probably find someone else. Or I was afraid what if they paid for me to come to them and they didn't like how I did their hair and makeup?

I also felt overwhelmed at the idea of having to find a place to stay, and get around a new place, and all the other things that come with travel. It felt safer to just find local clients.

These fears and doubts were keeping me from attracting what I wanted! Of course no one was asking me to travel to do their hair and makeup because I was blocking it from happening!

I had to release the feelings of unworthiness that I wasn't good enough to be hired or that my clients would want me to do their hair and makeup.

I had to not let the fear of the unknown keep me from playing it safe and adopting the belief that I would figure it all out no matter what, or it would happen easily and with a flow.

When I was able to let go of these fears, a photographer I had admired began to hire me to travel with her for her clients' photoshoots. I went to Paris, Florence, and other cool cities I had wanted to visit.

You have the power to attract what you desire to you! You just have to be open to receive it!

I'd love to help you get clear on what you truly want to create in your life, and release all the limiting beliefs, self doubts and imposter syndrome that is keeping you stuck, and playing small.

I have 4 spots open for 1:1 coaching, and I'd love for you to grab one of them. 

If you're ready to receive what it is you've been dreaming of and step into who you know you're meant to be, click the button below to book a free Clarity call to see what's possible for you and how coaching with me can help you get what you want.

P.S. I created some journal prompts for you to dig deep to see what you truly desire and how to unblock yourself from receiving it. I’d love to hear from you in the comments below what you discover!

  1. If you knew you would be successful and it would come to you with ease, what do want?

  2. What do you think is blocking you from receiving it?

  3. How would it feel for you if you could release what's blocking you?

  4.  What is a helpful thought or belief that you could adopt instead to help you be more open to receive what you want?

xo, Melissa



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