How To Get Clear On Your Purpose

Are you feeling stuck, unfulfilled, and wondering what your purpose is in this world?

Maybe you know you’re meant for more, and that you want to make a big impact in this world, but you’re not sure what it looks like.

Or maybe you do have an idea, but it feels too big, or like it’s not possible for you.

I understand how you’re feeling, because I’ve been there too.

I used to feel so bored and unfulfilled in my sales job. I felt like I had to hide who I was, and show up as this perfect sales rep who was just trying to hit my sales goals and make my boss happy. I didn’t enjoy what I was doing, I was exhausted from pretending to be someone else, and I didn’t feel like the work I was doing was meaningful.

I knew I was meant for more, but I didn’t know what that was. I didn’t know that I could do something that I was passionate about, something that I was good at and felt like a true expression of me, AND make a good living doing it.

Things finally got so bad in my day job with me feeling burnt out and depressed, that I knew I needed to figure out what I was meant to do. I had to dig deep to get clear on what felt totally aligned for me to do, create the vision of what it would look like, and then trust that the path would present itself once I had the clarity on what I wanted.

There were several questions that I asked myself and journaled on to figure this out. Once I spent some time really soul searching and answering these questions, I found the clarity that I was seeking.
If you’re feeling stuck and you don’t know where to start to get out of it, this is the perfect place to start.

Here are the journal prompts that I asked myself 13 years ago that gave me clarity when I was looking to leave my corporate career. I still use them to do this day when I’ve wanted to pivot, and I use them with my coaching clients to help them find clarity on their soul’s purpose and desired work.

  • What did you love to do as a child, or think you wanted to do when you grew up?

  • What do you see people do (or have) that makes you feel jealous, excited, inspired, who are these people? What was it about them that specifically made you feel those feeling?

  • What are you really passionate about or obsessed with, that you think about or talk about all the time?

  • What do people tell you all the time that you are good at?

  • What would have you feel like “OMG pinch me!” if you could support yourself doing that?

  • What values are important to you in a career?

  • What does your perfect “work” day look like?

  • What skills or knowledge from your previous job or life experiences can you bring with you in creating a new business?

After answering these questions, I’d love to for you to journal on what you discovered about yourself? What came up for you? I’d love for you to share any takeaways or ahas you had below in the comments!

Think about who you can share what you discovered with that can help you not only claim your desire for your purpose, but might be able to help you on your journey there?

I'd love to be your mentor and guide on the journey of getting clear around what you are meant to do, gain the confidence to go after your dream, and get you into action and momentum to reach your goal.

Schedule your FREE Clarity Call with the link below to see what's possible for you and to see how working together can help you reach your goals.


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