7 Lessons I learned From Motherhood

In one week my darling baby will be 2! He’s walking and sometimes hard to keep up with, dancing, chatting away to anyone who will talk with him, and he tries to make me laugh. I love the little person he’s becoming. He’s so smiley and happy, and my love for him grows deeper each day.

I took a minute to reflect on everything I’ve learned from being a mama and I thought I would share it with you.

1️⃣ I’ve learned to have deeper trust in my instincts and myself. Being a mama has taught me that I have great instincts and that they will guide me in the right direction. 

2️⃣ I have more patience than I knew I did. I’ve learned to take a deep breath and center myself when things start to feel overwhelming. 

3️⃣ Slow down and live in the moment. Time is going so fast now that he’s here, and I want to enjoy every moment with him. And I want to be present for him when we are together.

4️⃣ Ask for help. In the beginning you have so many fears and feel like you have no idea how to do this parent thing. I’ve learned drop the feeling like I should just know or figure it out on my own and reach out when I need help, don’t know how to do something, or just need someone to take over.

5️⃣ Take time for yourself and don’t feel guilty for it. Now that I’m a mama, I’m rarely alone unless I let someone else take over so I can have some time to myself, which is so important for me to recharge.

6️⃣ Dream bigger trust that it will happen. I always had big dreams before, but now my why has grown even stronger. I’ve learned to have bigger dreams for myself and my family and believe in myself that I can make it happen. After all, I manifested my beautiful baby. 

7️⃣ Believe that I am enough. I want Oliver to have a strong sense of self and love himself deeply, and that starts with me and Jacob setting a good example for him. When I see Oliver looking at me with such love in his eyes, I see that I am enough for him, and this reminds me that I am enough in this world.

If you’re a mama, I’d love to hear what you’ve learned from your own journey in the comments below!




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