5 Ways To Feel More Confident In Front of The Camera

Do you love getting your photo taken, or does it make you want to run and hide?⁣

I used to hate having my photo taken. I thought I was not photogenic, looked awkward, or just didn’t know what to do in a photo. When I became a makeup artist, I was working on hundreds of shoots and really got to learn all kinds of ways to look really great in photos and also feel great about having your photo taken. I also started doing more photo shoots myself, so I could get rid of my fear of being photographed. Here are my top 5 ways to feel more confident in front of the camera. ⁣

1. Practice in the mirror. This may feel awkward, but trust me, looking yourself in the eye and practice smiling and different poses will help you see what your good angles are and what will look natural, and what looks just plain awkward (hello duckface). ⁣

2. Pick outfits you feel really great in. When you’re wearing something you feel good in it shows! Choose clothing that fits and compliments your body shape and your coloring.⁣

3. Put together an inspiration board for who you want to embody for your shoot. Look for poses or scenes that feel like you or show off your personality and style. Find a celeb who you identify with and look at how she’s showing up in her photos. You can take some of her confidence and bring it into your shoot.⁣

4. During your shoot, get out of your head about how you look. Let your photographer guide you into poses and actions and just be in the moment and enjoy it! Let your genuine smile come out, and release wanting to look perfect. If you are having fun and are relaxed, it will come across in your photos.⁣

5. When you get your photos, look for what you love about them and resist the impulse to look for what you think is wrong with them. This is a big one. When you look for the good in your photos, you’ll feel happier about them and how you look, and you’ll like them more. ⁣

The more you put yourself in front of the camera, the easier it gets. And the more natural you will be in your next shoot. Before you know it, you’ll be excited about doing another photoshoot and sharing your photos with everyone!⁣

How do you feel about having your photo taken?⁣ What would it take for you to feel more confident in doing a photoshoot? Leave me a comment below.




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