3 reasons why you need to learn to ditch your imposter syndrome now:

3 reasons why you need to learn to ditch your imposter syndrome now:

1. It will get you out of staying stuck in a place that feels like you're settling in life. When you can learn to overcome your imposter syndrome, you'll start taking small steps towards your goal. Those small steps start to add up, and you build momentum towards achieving what you want, and build up your confidence along the way.

2. You'll stop caring what other people think. This is a hard one, because we have been conditioned as women to be people pleasers and to put other people's needs and what they think above our own. I've found that my imposter syndrome comes from a core wound of not feeling like I'm enough, and a lot of that is trying to get external validation from others that I am enough. When you can start to believe that you are enough and that you know enough, it doesn't matter what other people think because you don't need their validation. You validate yourself internally. Besides, it's none of your business what other people think of you!

3. You'll build more self trust and self belief. When you start to take action and build up your momentum and confidence, then you start to build trust in yourself that you know the right steps to take and are resourceful enough to figure out how to get where you want to go. The confidence you build by taking action also builds up your belief that you can have what it is you desire, and that it will happen for you.

Imposter syndrome is the killer of dreams, so stop letting it control yours! You've got this! You ARE good enough, exactly as you are. And you know enough to get where you want to go, and figure out anything you need to figure out along the way.

If you want help overcoming your imposter syndrome, I have a FREE Hypnosis Audio that will help you reprogram your subconscious mind to help you ditch it for good. You can click the button below to download it.

And if you want deeper support to release your limiting beliefs that are contributing to your imposter syndrome, click below to book a free Clarity call to chat about how we can work together 1:1.


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